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Metropolitan Gardener

This is a page about experience growing indoors and outdoors, using various techniques such as soil growing, hydroponics, vermicomposting, etc. Most of the growth is done on a balcony in downtown Toronto, Canada.

You can see some examples in the image slider below. But for more up-to-date follow our facebook page and facebook group.

Follow us on Facebook

Most updates will be on the corresponding Facebook page and Facebook group. Click the link bellow and follow.

Get inspiration

You will be able to see the various methods used and these results on the Facebook page and Facebook group.  It is a good area if you want to interact, perhaps ask some of our members for advice or share your own experience.


Did you know that you can create excellent plant nutrition by vermicomposting your kitchen scraps?

Garden Tower


Lemon tree

What metropolitan gardener is all about

“Big growing in a small space”

“Grow your own organic produce”